
Wednesday 2 July 2014

3 Top Artist Tools

I usually have questions from people asking the top art tools that I take with me on a daily basis

  1. I always have a pencil case with me of some sort, if not a pencil is always at hand. Do not worry if you don't have a rubber or a ruler or anything else that is usually in a pencil case - If you have a pencil to draw with then you'll be fine. Any sort of pencil is fine however HB is probably best for quick sketches.
  2. A small sketchbook - A4 or A5 is perfect for sketching down small ideas to perfect later when you are in a more suitable place to draw or paint. If you are in a suitable place and you have the time then sit down, enjoy your surroundings and do some art!
  3. Sketch book (Google Images)
  4. A camera of some sort is always in my pocket or bag. A phone or a more professional camera, I suggest to always have one in case of emergency. I don't know about you but there has always been a time when I wished I had a camera in my hand to catch a perfect shot. A camera will not pick up as much detail as the human eye but can produce some interesting photos that you can then draw or paint from later. This also ensures you do not miss a moment and you can see more instead of sitting down and drawing. Don't forget that different cameras have different quality so pick the one best for you.
Professional or not? It doesn't matter as long as you have a camera at hand!

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